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6 Heart Healthy Snacks (That Taste Delicious)


The food you eat has the potential to help or hinder your heart, and there are plenty of heart healthy snacks that really do taste good. You can eat more than celery and carrots in your quest to maintain a healthy heart. Give these tasty snacks a try.

1. Nuts

Nuts are packed full of healthy goodness, including fiber, vitamin E, and unsaturated fat. Nuts promote heart health by decreasing the "bad" cholesterol level known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL).  A reduction of LDL prevents harmful plaque buildup within the heart's blood vessels, which lowers the risk of heart disease.  Nut consumption has also been tied to decreased levels of inflammation. So go ahead and chow down on those walnuts, pistachios, almonds and pecans.

2. Bananas and Dark Chocolate

Research suggests dark chocolate decreases the chance of heart attack and stroke by lowering blood pressure. It contains flavanol that thins the blood and consequently improves cardiovascular health. The compound within cocoa known as epicatechin increases nitric oxide, a chemical vital for healthy blood vessel functionality.

Bananas are loaded with potassium and fiber. Melt some unsweetened dark chocolate, dip a banana in it and let it harden in the fridge for an absolutely delicious heart-healthy snack. The sugar from the banana will naturally sweeten the dark chocolate.

3. Edamame

Edamame (a.k.a soybeans) are loaded with protein and are low in sodium. Squirt some lemon juice on your edamame and you'll have a tasty heart healthy snack. Edamame soy protein reduces LDL cholesterol and consequently lowers the risk of high-blood pressure and atherosclerosis.


4. Hummus

Grab some bite-size vegetables like carrots, celery and cherry tomatoes to dip into hummus. This snack provides fiber and protein. Hummus is made with garbanzo beans that are loaded with LDL-fighting soluble fiber.  Though hummus has a decent amount of fat, it is heart-healthy unsaturated fat.

5. Almond Butter and Apples

Slice up some apples and smear almond butter on top. Apples are chock full of fiber, and as noted above, nuts are excellent for heart health. Studies have shown the regular consumption of apples decreases cholesterol levels as well as inflammation and plaque within artery walls.

6. Yogurt

Studies show that yogurt guards against gum disease. Research also indicates that individuals who suffer from gum disease are at a heightened risk of heart problems. So, eating yogurt on a regular basis will not only keep your smile bright, but also keep your heart strong and healthy.

But eating the right snacks alone isn't enough to protect your heart. Make sure your entire diet is heart healthy by choosing clean, healthy food for every meal, every day of the week.


Aren't sure where to start? Download our 7 clean eating meal ideas to start your week off right.

Tags: Nutrition, Overall Health

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