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A Breakdown Of The Top 5 Diets Of 2021: Mediterranean, Paleo, Whole30, Keto, & Weight Watchers


We all put a little weight on over the colder months, thanks to the holidays. And, naturally, when the weather starts to lean closer to spring, you begin to wonder which diet or exercise regimen might work best for helping you to shed those extra pounds.

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What Are The Healthiest Holiday Spices?

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Food and the holidays just seem to go hand-in-hand, giving us the opportunity to indulge in a variety of dishes that we may not get to enjoy at other times of the year.

In many cases, these dishes contain a wide variety of spices that add flavor and aroma.

But there's more to it than that: many of these spices have health benefits you may not have thought about.

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3 Ways To Stop Holiday Weight Gain

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Worried about packing on the pounds over the holidays? The following tips will help you to stay slim while still enjoying yourself.

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Here's Why Cheap Supplements Aren't Worth Your Time Or Money

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Where do you buy your supplements? If you're like most Americans, you probably pick up supplements at your local drugstore or a big box retailer. If want a better grade supplement, you might go to a health and nutrition store. The truth is, if you’ve been buying supplements outside of a medical grade retailer, you may have been getting subpar products packed with fillers and ingredients not listed on the label.

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Why You Need To Try Daily Harvest Smoothies


Many people who want to lose weight try dieting. Eating healthy, nutritious food is a great way to cut down on extra pounds.

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The Raw Truth: A Review Of The Core Restore Detox Program


Matrix Age Management recently enlisted two of the women from ROI Online, our marketing agency, to try the Core Restore detox program.

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Water Fasting: The Benefits and Risks

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Fasting is a familiar part of many cultures and has been for millennia. Due to the benefits both to your health and your mindset, the popularity of occasional fasts has remained consistent over time. We’ve even invented new fasting trends, like The Lemon Detox Fast.

But a new fast has hit the health industry by storm: water fasting. Celebrities and social media influencers tote the benefits on a regular basis, considering it to be a quick and easy way to lose weight fast.


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5 Imbalanced Gut Types Explained


When it comes to health, your gut plays an important role. In this article, we’ll discuss why gut health matters, the different types of guts, and how to improve your gut health.

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Celebrate & Lose Weight With Our Holiday Eating Guide


The holidays are coming: that time of year when everywhere you turn you smell something amazing.  And, if you’re like most people, you give yourself a little leeway during the holiday season. After all, you want to enjoy everything about the season — including the desserts.

However, you also want to be mindful of your choices and your health.

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This Gene Will Tell You How Your Body Process Caffeine

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Whether you're an athlete or you just need a boost to start the workday, a cup of coffee is the go-to caffeine boost to perform your best. But is that caffeine actually draining you more than it’s invigorating you?

New research on our genetic code gives us a new perspective on how caffeine affects us individually. The answer to the age-old question “Is coffee actually good for me?” can be found in your CYP1A2 gene, which controls how quickly your body metabolizes and breaks down caffeine.

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