Matrix Age Management Blog

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A Breakdown Of The Top 5 Diets Of 2021: Mediterranean, Paleo, Whole30, Keto, & Weight Watchers


We all put a little weight on over the colder months, thanks to the holidays. And, naturally, when the weather starts to lean closer to spring, you begin to wonder which diet or exercise regimen might work best for helping you to shed those extra pounds.

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A Matrix Patient's Journey: What It's Like To Be In The Matrix Program


In April 2019, one of our good friends decided to make his health a priority. He enrolled in Matrix Age Management, a program designed to help men and women lose weight, sleep more deeply, and feel better than they have in years. 

Now, four months into the program, he’s eager to provide an inside scoop on what it’s like to go through Matrix Age Management—and how much of a difference the program really made on his life.

Keep reading to hear his story!

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How GAINSWave Can Amp Up Your Sex Life


Erectile Dysfunction. Go ahead. Say it. Out loud. It’s okay, you’re not alone, and we’re not judging. In fact, we’re here to help with a simple two-step approach to understanding erectile dysfunction (ED) and what you can do to get back your sex life.

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Are Bioidentical Hormones Or Synthetic Hormones Better?


Bioidentical hormones. Synthetic hormones. Which are better?

That debate has been ongoing for several years. The answer is the one that works better with the human body.

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7 Sexual Benefits Of The P-Shot & GAINSWave [Free Guide]


When you struggle to get or maintain an erection, it impacts more than just date night. Your relationship with your partner, your satisfaction with your sex life, your confidence in yourself, and your ability to perform all suffer. And that can make you feel frustrated, embarrassed, and even emasculated.

But what if there were treatment options that could revive your sex life and renew your confidence?

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What Your Genes Can And Can’t Tell You About Your Health


During recent years, genetic testing has become a popular option for anyone interested in learning more about who they are. You can learn everything from your ancestral history to whether looking at the sun makes you sneeze.

But an added benefit of genetic testing goes beyond learning about your ancestors or quirks. Genetic testing also has the potential to improve your overall health, helping men and women catch health conditions earlier on before they become serious problems. 

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How Does Aging Differ For Men And Women?

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Men and women are intrinsically different, from the way we think to the way we behave. As a result, the aging process can be significantly different for a man than it is for a woman. This is true on both a physical and emotional level.

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7 Proven Ways to Improve Bone Density and Strength


The humped back. Micro-fractures in your bones. The fear of a fall.

As we age, the negative effects of poor bone health can follow us everywhere we go. Across the world, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men aged 50 and above are at risk of experiencing a bone fracture. It’s all too common, and it can leave you in a state of constant worry.

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Bioidentical Hormones Versus Synthetic Hormones: A Comparison


You’re exhausted by the end of the workday. You’re never in the mood for intimacy. You seem to gain weight without trying, but you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try. 

Sound familiar?

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Why Exercise Isn't Enough For A Long Life


Remaining physically active as you age is important to slowing down the aging process. It helps keep you physically fit and at an ideal weight.

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