Matrix Age Management Blog

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How To Have A Healthy Prostate


Many men experience prostate problems as they get older and it's of vital importance to watch for signs of prostate cancer, the second most common form of cancer in men. Fortunately, there are a number of preventative measures that can reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer, including dietary and lifestyle changes. Here's a look at some of those measures.

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Exercises To Get Your Blood Flowing This Valentine's Day


Valentine’s Day is here. If you’re like most couples, you and your significant likely have a special day planned to celebrate your relationship. Romantic dates are always a great way to become closer, but sometimes, you may find it becomes a little routine.

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MATRIX PATIENT: 'It feels good to feel good again'


Steve was tired, overweight and unsure how to best take care of himself. With 2 years in the Matrix program under his belt, he's now enjoying the freedom and confidence that comes with health. But don't take my word for it — see what he has to say.

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How GAINSWave Can Amp Up Your Sex Life


Erectile Dysfunction. Go ahead. Say it. Out loud. It’s okay, you’re not alone, and we’re not judging. In fact, we’re here to help with a simple two-step approach to understanding erectile dysfunction (ED) and what you can do to get back your sex life.

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Are Bioidentical Hormones Or Synthetic Hormones Better?


Bioidentical hormones. Synthetic hormones. Which are better?

That debate has been ongoing for several years. The answer is the one that works better with the human body.

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3 Tips For Men As They Age


As the human body ages, it becomes much more difficult to stay fit, trim and aesthetically pleasing. Men often find that it is particularly challenging to keep the weight off after the mid-30s. Those in their later years tend to suffer from arthritis and other health maladies that make certain forms of exercise impossible. Let's take a look at a few tips that will help men stay as healthy as possible as they get older.

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7 Sexual Benefits Of The P-Shot & GAINSWave [Free Guide]


When you struggle to get or maintain an erection, it impacts more than just date night. Your relationship with your partner, your satisfaction with your sex life, your confidence in yourself, and your ability to perform all suffer. And that can make you feel frustrated, embarrassed, and even emasculated.

But what if there were treatment options that could revive your sex life and renew your confidence?

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Does The Man In Your Life Need GAINSWave?


Are you worried your partner may be dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED)?

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Men: Here's Why You Need More Sex In Your Life

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Is GAINSWave More Effective Than Viagra?

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common sexual problems reported to their doctor by men. In fact, ED is estimated to affect 150 million men worldwide. So, what does that mean to those suffering with ED? It means, there are many treatment options available.

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