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6 Surprising Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

There has been a lot of media hype in recent years over the legalization of marijuana and the possible health benefits it can provide. While these benefits may or may not be true, the fact of the matter is that although many states have legalized the drug, many have not. There is still quite a bit of controversy over the subject and it’s not likely to die down anytime soon.    CBD oil in vase surrounded by herbal plants

However, what you may not realize is that marijuana contains two compounds: THC (its psychoactive component that gives you the “high”) and CBD (the non-psychoactive component.) 

CBD is 100 percent legal in all of the US and, while many people still confuse the two, it’s important to note the difference. CBD is not psychoactive. In fact, it can actually be quite beneficial for your health. As it becomes increasingly popular, more and more people are turning to the plant-based oil to find relief from aches, pains, and more. 

What is CBD?

Hemp plants contain over eighty cannabinoids, and CBD makes up 40 percent of that. In order to produce more CBD, the plants are strategically grown to increase the CBD to THC ratio. 

When they’re harvested, the extract is then purified even further to create the CBD product. CBD is a cannabinoid that binds to receptors in your brain (all cannabinoids can bind to those receptors), causing the health benefits that so many people love. It also isn’t associated with some of the side effects of the THC found in marijuana.

How Can CBD Help Me?

Truthfully, CBD has so many reported health benefits that to touch on all of them would take far more than one blog post. Here, we’re going to focus on the top six benefits that will help just about anyone.

1. Lower Cortisol Levels 

Cortisol is the hormone your body secretes when you’re stressed. It’s not bad in and of itself; in fact, it’s there to help you. 

However, in our fast-paced world we’re often flooded with cortisol, and that’s not a good thing. High levels of cortisol can cause chronic anxiety, high blood pressure, headaches, and weight gain (particularly in your abdomen, where we need it the least). 

CBD can significantly lower cortisol levels, improving your mood, sleep, blood pressure, and even helping with weight loss.

2. Decrease Insulin Levels 

Type II diabetes is a debilitating disease that impairs your body’s ability to process sugar, and it is at an all-time high. In fact, over 30 million people in the US are affected. 

When insulin levels remain high due to a high carbohydrate diet, your body eventually becomes resistant to it. More and more insulin is required until your body can’t keep up.  Loss of blood sugar levels ensues and the result is diabetes.

A recent study by the Hadassah University Hospital in Israel showed that CBD lowered insulin levels enough to reverse diabetes in mice; the improvement was statistically significant.

3. Decrease Stress and Anxiety 

One of CBD’s most talked-about benefits is its impact on stress and anxiety. Earlier we talked about cortisol, the body’s response to stress. Not only does CBD reduce cortisol levels in those already dealing with chronic stress, but it also improves your ability to be calm and centered, which prevents stress and anxiety in the first place. 

Remember when we talked about how cannabinols bind to certain receptors in your brain? There are certain receptors that CBD binds to, specifically, that regulate fear and anxiety. This is especially good news for those dealing with chronic anxiety, PTSD, and generalized anxiety disorder. 

4.  Decrease Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s response to injury. 

Unfortunately with inflammatory diseases like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and asthma, the body’s inflammation response is in overdrive, causing pain and chronic illness. Like the receptors that regulate fear and anxiety, there are receptors in your immune system that regulate inflammation. CBD binds to these receptors causing a significant decrease in inflammation.

5. Reduce Pain & Need For Pain Medication

Due to the increasing opioid crisis in America, researchers struggle to find ways to alleviate pain while also avoiding compounds that are habit-forming and harmful. 

Opioid receptors in the body will bind to CBD, meaning that it can provide the significant pain relief of strong medication, without being an addictive substance.

6. Increased Deep Sleep

It’s no secret that modern humans struggle with our sleep quality. Millions of people take some sort of sleep aid in order to get a good night’s sleep. These drugs can be addictive, make you drowsy the next day, and some even have serious long term side effects. 

Due to CBD’s effects on stress, anxiety, inflammation, and pain, all these combine to really calm your brain and nervous system, providing you with some of the best sleep you have ever had.

Is CDB Oil Right For You?

If you have wondered about the legality or addictive qualities of CBD due to the fact that it comes from the hemp plant, rest assured that it’s safe and legal.Make sure you purchase it from a respectable source with purity testing results available. If you’re dealing with anxiety, sleeplessness, or any of the other issues highlighted above, CBD may be able to help. It may even be a safer alternative than medications for some individuals.*

If you want to explore this topic in more depth, check out Ben Greenfield’s great podcast on the subject. He delves into the science in greater detail. And if you would like to learn more about how to live a long, healthy life, schedule a consultation with Matrix Age Management. Our customized age management programs, peptide treatments, hormonal replacement therapy treatments, and sexual vitality treatments can help you live you feel better, now.

Schedule A Consultation 

Tags: Sleep, Overall Health, Stress

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