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Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Affect Prostate Risks?

Testosterone replacement therapy's objective is to restore the testosterone levels to the ranges seen in younger adults. The therapy simulates the natural production of the hormone. For many years, medical experts have made incorrect assumptions about this therapy and its effect on an individual's risk of prostate cancer. In the last few years, there have been a few studies showing their conjectures to be incorrect.


A man's levels of testosterone tend to fall as he gets older. In most cases, testosterone will drop by about one percent per year after he gets to age 30. This is sometimes termed "andropause" or hypogonadism. It is important to note that this is not the case with all men and the drop is very gradual, which is why the condition is sometimes overlooked. Symptoms of a fall in testosterone levels include loss of sexual desire, a constant feeling of exhaustion and increased body fat. Testosterone replacement therapy can be used to reverse these symptoms, thus making a man more virile and active.

A UK androgen study has also shown that testosterone replacement therapy has improved the lives of men who have received treatment for prostate cancer. The results show that the therapy is safe if carefully monitored.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy's Effects on Prostate Cancer Risk

Another UK study suggests that men who receive testosterone replacement therapy may not be at an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

The study followed over 1,400 men who received testosterone replacement therapy over the course of a 20-year period and found that there were only 14 cases of prostate cancer among them. This equates to 1 in every 212 men, which is lower than the occurrence among the general UK population where one case is diagnosed in roughly every 200 men (aged 65 to 69).

Recent research from the New York University Langone Medical Center was featured at the meeting of the American Urological Association in May 2016. This research showed that testosterone replacement therapy reduced prostate cancer risk considerably. According to the study, men who were prescribed testosterone replacement therapy saw their risk go down by as much as 50 percent compared to men who did not receive the therapy.

The research found no difference in the risk level of different methods of administering testosterone such as gels, by mouth or injection.

If you want to learn more about testosterone replacement therapy as well as how it can enhance your fitness and vitality, get in touch with Matrix Age Management in Amarillo today.

Tags: Hormones, Men's Health

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