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How Much Sleep Is Enough Sleep?

A recent study completed by the CDC found that only 65 percent of the population is getting seven hours of sleep or more each night. This means the other 35 percent of the population is not getting enough sleep, putting them at higher risk of developing heart disease, obesity, stroke, and other serious health issues. This study is one of many that demonstrates the importance of getting enough sleep.

How Much Sleep Is Enough?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, an adult between the ages of 24 and 64 needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. Of course, every individual is different. Determining how much you need depends on how you feel with different amounts of sleep.

  • If you get seven hours of sleep, are you alert and feeling healthy and happy throughout the day? Or do you need eight or nine hours to make that happen?

  • Are you carrying excess weight?

  • Are you at risk of developing heart disease, obesity, diabetes, or other serious diseases?

  • Is it difficult for you to fall asleep or stay asleep?

  • Have you ever felt extremely sleepy when behind the wheel of a car?

  • Do you depend on caffeine to stay awake throughout the day?

Many Americans are running on a sleep deficit and that is neither healthy nor restful. If continued, lack of proper sleep leaves you feeling tired and worn out, even on the days when you can get a bit of extra sleep.

How Do You Get Back To A Healthy Sleep Pattern?

If you are not getting enough rest, you need to make sleep a higher priority. It is something you need to make a conscious decisions about. Here are some tips for achieving a good night's sleep on a regular basis:

  • Figure out the best sleep schedule for your needs and stick to it, even on weekends and vacation.

  • Get exercise daily. Exercise improves sleep patterns and quality of sleep.

  • Choose comfortable pillows. If your bed is not comfortable, budget to upgrade the mattress.

  • Refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks 5 to 6 hours before bedtime.

  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can actually disrupt your sleep patterns.

  • Turn off the electronics a few hours before you go to bed.

  • Assess whether your bedroom is too hot, too cold, too loud, or too bright. All of these conditions can disrupt sleep patterns.

  • Develop a relaxing bedtime routine. This helps train the brain and signals that it is time to sleep.

Sleep is as necessary to life as food and water. Making it a priority will improve your health and well-being. For other ways to improve life, call on the experts at Matrix Age Management.


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