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Is Bad Sex Taking A Toll On Your Mental Health?

Unsatisfied-womanIntimacy is defined as a ‘close familiarity” – and, for many women, a healthy relationship is based on the ability to achieve and maintain intimacy with their partner.

Women today have no problem acknowledging sex as one of the most powerful forms of intimacy. Because of this, women will often view a healthy sex life as a gauge for the physical and psychological health of their relationship.

But when sex is no longer satisfying because it has become painful or you’re finding it harder to achieve orgasm, it can wreak havoc on your mental well-being. That’s when things get a little challenging.

Satisfying Sex And Your Psychological Health

The physical and psychological benefits of a satisfying and healthy sex life are well known (healthier immune system, lower blood pressure, lowered stress, boosted self-esteem, and burned calories – to name a few). But did you know there are also negative psychological impacts when dealing with an unsatisfying sex life, including:

  • Lowered self-esteem
  • Increased self-doubt
  • Lack of emotional connection and
  • Anxiety (such as body dysmorphia)

These psychological effects can be insidious, acting as a self-fulfilling prophecy. For example, the longer you dwell in low self-esteem or body dysmorphia, the more inclined you will be to give those issues validity.

Knowing why these changes in your sexual satisfaction occurred will give you an edge over psychological potholes as you navigate your way back to sexual health.

Common Causes Of Unsatisfying Sex

Your psyche might tempt you to wonder what you did to sabotage your sex life. Don’t.

Most of the time, painful or unsatisfying sex can be attributed to normal life events such as pregnancy, postpartum issues, and menopause. These are events that are well outside of your realm of control and have been found to be key drivers in the development of thin, stretched tissue and vaginal dryness, both of which increase a woman’s chances of experiencing painful and unsatisfying sex.

But you don’t have to resign yourself to a life of painful, uncomfortable, and unsatisfying sex.  You have options, options that can revitalize your sex life and bring back that glow of self-confidence.

How To Get Your Groove Back

Matrix Age Management is offering two procedures that can boost your sex life and your self-confidence:

The O-Shot is a 10-minute, non-surgical treatment that utilizes an injection of platelets rich plasma (PRP) – derived from your blood – to stimulate stem cells and grow healthy vaginal tissue.

The diVa Treatment is a three-to-five-minute laser resurfacing procedure that uses ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to cleanse and improve vaginal tissues.

Sexual issues that have been resolved through the O-Shot and diVa Treatment include:

  • Repair of damaged tissue
  • Tightening stretched skin
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Improved quality and frequency of orgasms

Both procedures are relatively fast and can be performed in the safety and comfort of the Matrix Age Management facility.

Whether you choose the O-Shot, or the diVa Treatment, you’ll be taking control of your sexual health back from the rigors of body stresses, hormone floods, and life in general.

Let’s face it, enduring an unfulfilling and unsatisfying sex life is bad enough, but when it can also take a toll on a woman’s psychological health, that’s when we need to get serious about taking charge of our sexual health.

You deserve better, more satisfying sex. And Matrix Age Management wants to help you experience a better, more fulfilling sex life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Karen Proffer, FNP-C, and find out if the O-Shot or the diVa Treatment is right for you.


Tags: Age Management, Women's Health, Mental health, Sexual Vitality

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