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Is The Whole30 Diet Actually Worth It?

Now that the new year has arrived, it seems like just about everyone will be making resolutions, starting up exercise routines and giving new diets a try.

Once of the trendiest diets is the Whole30 diet.

There are certainly some remarkable benefits of Whole30, yet there are also plenty of flaws with this approach to healthy eating and living.

Here is a look at Whole30 and the potential pitfalls of other 30-day diets.

A Brief Look at the Whole30 Diet

The purpose of abiding by the Whole30 diet is to reset your body, pinpoint the foods that disagree with your system, and even help treat medical conditions to boot. Oh, and there is also the fact that weight loss almost always occurs in those who adhere to the limitations imposed by this unique diet.

The founders of Whole30 claim this diet will eliminate cravings, re-balance the hormones, enhance medical conditions, cure digestive problems and even improve immune system functionality. The claim is centered on the assumption that an array of issues ranging from allergies to depression can be caused by or at least partially influenced by diet.

Whole30 dieters eliminate legumes, alcohol, dairy, grains, and foods with added sugar for an entire month.

Participants are allowed to eat eggs, vegetables, seafood, meat and small amounts of nuts, seeds, fruit, and oil. After a full month passes, the “food fog” has passed, and it is time to reintroduce each food group. The manner in which the body responds shows which food groups should not be consumed.

Does Whole30 Work?

Though there is no independent research to gauge the success of the Whole30 diet, health experts agree it will cause weight loss for almost everyone who tries it.

The company itself is adamant it works. They report upwards of 96 percent of Whole30 participants lose weight. The average amount of weight loss was between six and fifteen pounds.

However, those who adhere to Whole30's dietary restrictions often end up packing the pounds right back on in due time. This is partially due to the fact that the diet is restrictive to the point that there is no room for error.

The Drawbacks of 30-day Diets

Whole30 and other 30-day diets have a plethora of faults. They can become extremely costly due to the nature and quality of the foods you must purchase.

These diets are also quite time-consuming considering the amount of food preparation required. A 30-day diet will prove to be even more of a time sink if the entire family is adhering to it.

Opt for a More Realistic Diet and Exercise Plan

The majority of those who try the 30-day diet will give up. Even those who stick with it will have to deal with all of the flaws outlined above. A better approach is to gradually implement healthy changes to your diet.

Try to wean yourself off the sugar, processed foods, and red meat. Get into the habit of exercising for at least half an hour every other day. Understand that setbacks will occur. If you fall out of your exercise routine or end up gorging on sweets, do not give up. Continue to push forward in your quest for a healthy body and happiness will soon follow.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

Are you looking to reach the pinnacle of health? We can help. Ditch those diet fads and take advantage of Matrix Age Management’s proactive program that combats the aging process and ultimately makes you a happier, healthier person — for life!Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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