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Why Group Workouts Are More Effective

While some people prefer exercising on their own, studies show that they may be missing out on potential health benefits provided by group workouts.

Group-fitnessA recent study showed that group workouts helped lower participants' stress levels while improving their overall outlook. They also showed an increase in physical improvement.

But there are also plenty of other benefits that come from working out in a group, including the following:

1. Burn More Calories

When you're in a group that includes people at a higher fitness level, you're more likely to drive yourself harder. Working out with a partner or with others increases motivation for many participants. Moreover, you're more likely to exercise for a longer period.

Even deciding to work out in a group setting for a few workouts a week may help you to push yourself beyond your usual limits while creating a new threshold. In short, you tend to give more effort than you do when working out alone.

2. Stick To It

Working out with others provides motivation for individuals to work out consistently and to remain committed to the exercise program. Staying consistent and committed is often harder for people who exercise alone, but having a group that provides motivation and accountability is a significant benefit in most cases.

3. More Diversity

When you workout on your own, you typically stick to the treadmill, weights, or an exercise bike. However, there is a multitude of exercises you can do with a workout partner or in a larger group setting.

Many gyms offer group fitness classes to give you and your workout partner a chance to try something new. From Zumba and cycling to kickboxing and cardio, you'll never run out of classes to try

4. Greater Support

Group-the-fitness-2When you create a bond with others in a group fitness setting the likelihood of coming back for more naturally increase.

A group builds a sense of camaraderie, as well as accountability. Other people within your group will "count on you" to show up for each session. Also, many physical trainers make it a point to build relationships among participants to create a family-like setting.

Those relationships, meanwhile, will help you to keep returning to your workouts along with getting the physical benefits and improvements that come from working out.

5. Peer Motivation

Many people are motivated by the physical benefits of exercising, but a group can provide additional motivation through the encouragement of others. It's sometimes hard to drive yourself when you're doing a difficult workout on your own, while positive feedback from others can you help you push through resistance when the exercise becomes particularly tough.

6. Improved Mood

Numerous studies have been done on the effects of exercise on a person's mood, including that it releases endorphins in your brain that provide feelings of well-being. In turn, the added mood boost can help you push through a workout when you're pushing yourself your hardest.

In one study, people who did a stationary bicycle workout with a training partner felt calmer than after they did the workout on their own.

Matrix Age Management of Amarillo helps people to age naturally while stopping aging's downward spiral. Contact our office today to learn more.


Tags: Exercise, Weight

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