Matrix Age Management Blog

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6 Ways To Boost Your Mood Without Pills


There are times when life just gets you down.

You may be mad at yourself for being 20 pounds overweight. Your boss may have had a bad day and taken it out on you. You may be feeling lonely. 

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Hormone Could Slow Aging, Study Finds


Have you ever heard of IGF-1? You might think it is a new space rocket or human-like robot, but that is not the case. It is in fact a hormone that may be a critical key in slowing down the aging process.

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Can Hormone Therapy Prevent Dementia And Alzheimer's Disease?


There's no denying the impact that dementia and Alzheimer's have on the United States and around the world. Indeed, the numbers can be staggering — Alzheimer's is the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. By the age of 85, half of all Americans will have dementia, which is the precursor to Alzheimer's; the number of Alzheimer's cases is expected to triple by the year 2050.

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Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Affect Prostate Risks?


Testosterone replacement therapy's objective is to restore the testosterone levels to the ranges seen in younger adults. The therapy simulates the natural production of the hormone. For many years, medical experts have made incorrect assumptions about this therapy and its effect on an individual's risk of prostate cancer. In the last few years, there have been a few studies showing their conjectures to be incorrect.

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