Matrix Age Management Blog

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Bioidentical Hormones Versus Synthetic Hormones: A Comparison


You’re exhausted by the end of the workday. You’re never in the mood for intimacy. You seem to gain weight without trying, but you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try. 

Sound familiar?

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6 Ways To Make Your Christmas Eve More Romantic


Last-minute holiday preparations and parties can cause your stress levels to skyrocket. Your schedule is packed, and time is a commodity that’s in short supply. That means most of your usual activities have to take a back seat to the holiday chaos — including your sex life.

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How Nutrition Impacts Your Health


You likely have heard that balanced nutrition is a critical aspect of a healthy lifestyle. But how important is nutrition? Can you live a healthy life without following a balanced diet? If you don't monitor your nutrition, what risks could you face?

In this article, we'll examine the role nutrition plays in your overall health, the benefit of following a balanced diet, and the best diet to follow to maintain optimal health for years to come.

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My O-Shot Story: A Real Patient Review

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Age, having children, health issues…

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Protect You Diet with Healthy Meal Delivery Service


Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to change your diet to improve your health. Perhaps you are motivated by weight loss, targeting specific health concerns, or simply seeking to increase your energy and vitality--all are celebration-worthy reasons to take control of your body’s fuel. 

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7 Delicious Ways To Eat More Healthy Fats

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Gone are the days of the fat-free craze that actually turned out to be even more damaging than eating full-fat foods. Now, we know that you need to eat fat to burn fat.

It turns out that fat is a nutrient that boosts your metabolism, along with curbing your hunger. Fat keeps you fuller, longer and helps to suppress insulin levels to avoid feelings of a sugar crash.

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4 Surprising Benefits Of The O-Shot For Women


The O-Shot has become increasingly popular over the last few years for one big reason: it makes sex more enjoyable for women. Women across the nation love the way the O-Shot improves their ability to have an orgasm (hence the “o” in O-Shot!).

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Why We Need To Start Talking About Sexual Vitality


If you’re experiencing challenges with sexual satisfaction in your relationship, there’s a good chance you’re keeping quiet about it. And you wouldn’t be alone. In fact, researchers have found that sexual dysfunction in the U.S. is mostly a mystery. JAMA has reported there is relatively little data on incidence, distribution, and control of sexual dysfunction for both men and women.

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The Girlfriend's Guide To The O-Shot [Video & Guide]

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When your sex life leaves you wanting more, it can take a toll on your self-confidence and your relationship with your partner. You want to satisfy your spouse, but you also want to feel satisfied yourself. And, when you don’t, you might feel like there’s something wrong with you.

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7 Reasons You're Experiencing A Low Sex Drive

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You and your partner had an amazing date night. You ate at your favorite restaurant, saw a move you both loved, and spent some quality time together. But then the moment comes to take the evening up a notch, and, even after all that planning, you’re just not in the mood.

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